Stackstown GC

New Volkswagen Golf for Stackstown ace John O'Neill

Making a hole-in-one requires as much luck as skill but Stackstown's John O’Neill had a double dose of fortune when he won a brand new Volkswagen in the Golfsure Hole In One draw.

Harrington on men-only Muirfield: "None of these clubs want to be pushed"

Padraig Harrington does not believe in forcing men only clubs to change their policies at the point of a bayonet. Picture Stuart Adams www.golftourimages.comThe controversy over playing The Open at clubs such as men-only Muirfield is not an indication of golf’s need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century but a problem with society in general.

"If it was, then great! But the interesting part is what you are doing at the moment, not what you did in the past" - Harrington

Padraig Harrington refuses to believe he’s finished as a major contender. Far from it.

Not only that, the determined Dubliner is convinced that Tiger Woods will storm back to form and smash Jack Nicklaus’ record of 18 major wins.