About - Irish Golf Desk

About Irish Golf Desk

Irish Golf Desk is a free resource which provides up to date news and features on Irish golf. 

It is written and edited by Brian Keogh, a regular contributor to golf coverage in the Irish IndependentThe Irish Sun, The Irish Times, the Irish Examiner, Golf Digest Ireland, Golfing, the Irish Independent and occasional contributor to RTE Radio, Newstalk, TodayFM, the Golf Channel, Golf WorldThe Sunday Times, the Sunday Business Post and the Irish Daily Star amongst others. Check out his about.me profile

He co-authored Padraig Harrington’s Journey to the Open (2007) with several Irish golf writers and Out of Bent and Sand, a Centenary History of Laytown and Bettystown Golf Club (1909-2009), which was launched at the club on November 13, 2009.

IrishGolfDesk.com has been named as one of the Top 60 Golf News Websites on the web



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