Could VR Emerge As One of the Best Ways to Learn Golf?
Virtual reality is gradually creeping into the mainstream, and it has serious potential to be a game-changer when it comes to learning skills. With the technology, you can pick up anything from home, as it has the power to recreate activities realistically.
Governing bodies propose model local rule for golf balls in elite competitions
The R&A and USGA have proposed a Model Local Rule (MLR) that gives competition organisers the option to require use of golf balls that are tested under modified launch conditions to address the impacts of hitting distance in golf.
Ballyneety Driving Range unveils Ireland’s first Trackman Range
Irish golfers are chomping at the bit to get back to golf and those who live in the Limerick area have another reason to dust off the clubs following the unveiling of a new, state-of-the-art facility - the first TrackMan Range in Ireland — at Ballyneety Driving Range in Co Limerick.
7 Golfing Apps You Need To Help You Improve Your Game
Trying to sort out your swing or perfect your putting skills? There’s an app for that. Wish you could see an aerial view of the course you’re playing to help you plan out your strategy? There’s an app for that too. In fact there’re quite a few fun and useful apps that could help you improve your game, without you having to splurge your cash.