G-Mac pops the question

Kristin Stape and Graeme McDowell are to marry. Graeme McDowell is set to tie the knot after popping the question to girlfriend Kristin Stape on top of the emblematic Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai a fortnight ago.
According to agency reports, he used “the spectacular setting of the 656-foot high helipad” to propose to his former interior designer.
“I did it properly, getting down on one knee and she was very shocked and had no idea what was going on.”
on 2012-11-21 10:08 by Brian Keogh
Bernie McGuire has more in today’s Irish Examiner:
“I even found myself getting a little bit emotional. It was very special and a stunning location, looking out over Dubai as the Burj Al Arab hotel does. We’ll probably get married towards the end of next year.
“The funny thing is she came to this tournament last year and we went up to the Al Muntaha Restaurant that’s right at the top of the Burj Al Arab. I had a table booked when I was out here two weeks ago so we went back there but through my Jumeirah contact I said to her that the hotel was going to give us a quick look around, including going out onto the helipad.
“I have to say I was very nervous in popping the question because I had a little speech I was going to make to her and found myself getting all choked up about it. We’ve been told it’s the first marriage proposal ever held on the helipad. We’re both 33 and we want to crack on and start a family and stuff.”
A beach wedding looks immiment while McDowell has also said that they are keen to “crack on” and have children.