supported by The McGinley Foundation

Walker Cup 2009

Merion Golf Club, Ardmore, Pennsylvannia

USA (George 'Buddy' Marucci) 16 1/2 

GB & Ireland (Colin Dalgleish) 9 1/2


Day 1 (12 September)


Brian Harman & Morgan Hoffmann bt Wallace Booth & Sam Hutsby 2 & 1.

Peter Uihlein & Nathan Smith bt Gavin Dear & Matt Haines 1 up.

Rickie Fowler & Bud Cauley bt Luke Goddard & Dale Whitnell 6 & 5.

Cameron Tringale & Adam Mitchell lost to Stiggy Hodgson & Niall Kearney 3 & 1.

United States 3, Great Britain & Ireland 1



Brian Harman halved with Gavin Dear

Rickie Fowler bt Sam Hutsby 7 & 6.

Cameron Tringale halved with Wallace Booth

Morgan Hoffmann halved with Matt Haines

Peter Uihlein bt Tommy Fleetwood 2 & 1.

Drew Weaver halved with Chris Paisley

Bud Cauley bt Niall Kearney 2 & 1

Brendan Gielow lost to Stiggy Hodgson 2 & 1

United States 5, Britain & Ireland 3 

After Day 1: USA 8, Great Britain & Ireland 4


Day 2 (13 September)


Brian Harman & Adam Mitchell bt Gavin Dear & Matt Haines 3 & 2

Rickie Fowler & Bud Cauley bt Stiggy Hodgson & Niall Kearney 1 up

Drew Weaver & Brendan Gielowlost to Wallace Booth & Sam Hutsby 3 & 2

Peter Uihlein & Nathan Smith bt Chris Paisley & Dale Whitnell 5 & 4

United States 3, Great Britain & Ireland 1

(USA 11, GB & I 4)



Brian Harman lost to Gavin Dear 3 & 2

Rickie Fowler bt Matt Haines 2 & 1

Peter Uihlein bt Stiggy Hodson 3 & 1

Morgan Hoffman bt Wallace Booth 1 up

Bud Cauley halved with Chris Paisley

Adam Mitchell lost to Sam Hutsby 1 up

Drew Weaver lost to Tomy Fleetwood 1 up

Cameron Tringale bt Luke Goddard 8 & 6

Nathan Smith lost to Niall Kearney 3 & 2

Brendan Gielow bt Dale Whitnell 4 & 3

USA 5 1/2, GB&I 4 1/2 

Day 2 USA 8 1/2 GB & I 5 1/2