supported by The McGinley Foundation

Walker Cup 1985

Pine Valley Golf Club, Clementon, New Jersey

United States (Jay Sigel) 13

Great Britain & Ireland(Charles Wilson Green, Scot) 11


Day 1


S. Verplank & R.J. Sigel beat C.S. Montgomerie & G. Macgregor 1 hole

D. Waldorf & S. Randolph lost to J. Hawksworth & G.M. McGimpsey 4/3

R. Sonnier & J. Haas lost to P. Baker & P. McEvoy 6/5

M. Podolak & D.M. Love III halved with C. Bloice & A.R. Stephen

USA 1½ Great Britain & Ireland 2½



S. Verplank beat G.M. McGimpsey 2/1

S. Randolph beat P. Mayo 5/4

R. Sonnier halved with J. Hawksworth

R.J. Sigel beat C.S. Montgomerie 5/4

B. Lewis Jnr lost to P. McEvoy 2/1

C. Burroughs lost to G. Macgregor 2 holes

D. Waldorf beat D. Gilford 4/2

J. Haas lost to A.R. Stephen 2/1

USA 4 ½ Great Britain & Ireland 3 ½

Day 1 USA 6 Great Britain & Ireland 6


Day 2


S Verplank & J Siegel halved with C Montgomerie & P Mayo

S Randolph and J Haas bt J Hawksworth & G McGimpsey 3/2

B Lewis and C Burroughs bt P Baker & P McEvoy 2/1

M Podolak and D Love bt C Bloice and S Stephen 3/2

USA 3 ½ - Great Britain & Ireland ½



S. Randolph halved with G.M. McGimpsey

S. Verplank beat C.S. Montgomerie 1 hole

R.J. Sigel lost to J. Hawksworth 4/3

D. M. Love III beat P. McEvoy 5/3

R. Sonnier lost to P. Baker 5/4

C. Burroughs lost to G. Macgregor 3/2

B. Lewis Jnr beat C. Bloice 4/2

D. Waldorf lost to A.R. Stephen 2/1

USA 3½ Great Britain & Ireland 4½


Day 2 USA 7 Great Britain & Ireland 5