Connolly's Audi unveiled as new sponsor of West of Ireland Championship

At the launch of the 2022 Connolly’s Audi West of Ireland Championship were (L-R) Marcus Jackson (Audi Sligo General Manager), Neil Connolly (Managing Director), Pat McDaniel (Captain, Co Sligo GC) and Patricia McElhone (Lady Captain, Co Sligo GC).
County Sligo's famous Rosses Point Links will host the 99th West of Ireland Amateur Championship in two weeks, and the club has achieved a major coup by attracting a new sponsor in Connolly's Audi for the April 15-19 classic.
The traditional season-opener on the Irish men's amateur calendar will be played under a new format this year with the top 16 players after three rounds of strokeplay from April 15-17 going through to the matchplay stages of the Connolly's Audi West of Ireland Championship on Monday and Tuesday, April 18-19.
"The main reason we are sponsoring the West of Ireland Championship is that it's a fantastic competition, and it is right on our doorstep here in the west of Ireland," said Neil Connolly, Managing Director of the Connolly Motor Group.
"We have a huge customer base in the area and Connolly Motor Group, along with Audi, are synonymous with golf, so golf is very close to our hearts.
"When you live here locally, you see the community spirit involved from the members and all the volunteers. So it was an easy decision for us to say, yes, count on us."
Club captain Pat McDaniel said: "The brand that is County Sligo and the brands that are Connolly's and Audi are of such quality that it makes the perfect fit. This relationship can only grow the West of Ireland Championship."
Lady Captain Patsy McElhone added: "It is wonderful that Connolly's Audi is our main sponsor this year, and hopefully, they will remain our sponsors for many years to come."
The deal with Connolly's Audi is for one year, but the sponsor is keen to carry one for the 100th staging in 2023 and potentially beyond.
"We are delighted to be involved, and hopefully, we can continue this relationship into the future as well," Mr Connolly said.
"Initially, the arrangement is for this year, but we have an option also to sponsor the championship next year when it celebrates its 100th anniversary, so we'd love to be part of that.

"Again, business is business, and economies are economies, so we have to take it one year at a time, but certainly we'd like to do it for another two or three years.
"It's a significant investment for us, but the wonderful thing about it is that the money is poured right back into the event in terms of helping the players enjoy a wonderful championship, so we have huge confidence in our investment.
"What sold us on the idea straight away is that the money is not going off into some corporate body or other. It's very much a grassroots level sponsorship and we're very proud to be involved."
The championship field is limited to 132, but 92 players will tee it up in the West of Ireland Championship 18-hole Qualifier on Wednesday, April 13, when six places in the championship field will be up for grabs.
"The West of Ireland is traditionally a great stepping stone for golfers to the next level and when you look at the past winners, it's incredible," Mr Connolly added. "The quality of the past champions here, such as Rory McIlroy, Shane Lowry and Pádraig Harrington, says it all about how important this championship has been in the history of Irish amateur golf.
"It has a great list of winners, and I'm sure a great new champion will be crowned this year."
Royal Dublin's Hugh Foley will be back to defend his title, but there will also be a strong local contingent headed by reigning South of Ireland champion and Irish international TJ Ford.
"The new format will be interesting to see," said Ford, who was seventh behind Foley when the championship was played as a 72-hole strokeplay event in September last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
"There should be a great matchplay field because the quality should come through over 54 holes. If you make the 54-hole cut, you should have as good a chance of winning the West as you will ever have."