David Kearney co-founds management company Sigmoid Sports

David Kearney (left) and Rob Browne
Former ILGU High-Performance Director David Kearney has co-founded athlete management company Sigmoid Sports.
Co-founded with sports marketing specialist Rob Browne, Sigmoid Sports offers a different approach to sports management.
“With the experience I have gained in high-performance sport over the past 20 years, paired with Rob’s organisational and commercial skills, we really think we are well placed to make a significant impact in supporting athlete’s careers,” Kearney said.
The founders believe that supporting their clients must extend beyond the usual tasks a management company undertakes such as athlete representation and commercial management.
Sigmoid Sports is committed to placing particular emphasis on adding value to the performance of their clients on their respective field of play and supporting athletes across a variety of sports by carefully balancing the highs and lows of their careers through providing consistent, bespoke advice and care.
They believe they have a promising mix which could lead to creating a very special vehicle for athletes.
Another unique aim with the management strand of Sigmoid Sports is their ambition to keep their “community” of clients very tight in terms of size, but also in terms of recruitment.
The founders believe that achieving success with their existing clients will lead to other athletes developing an interest in becoming a part of the Sigmoid group rather than the more typical method of approaching young, aspiring athletes.
Kearney and Browne also want to incorporate their existing clients into the decision making process when considering adding new clients to their group.
To complement the above central tenet of the business, Sigmoid Sports will also begin their unique Academy experience by offering young golfers five-day camps in carefully selected overseas locations and an events service that will deliver premium, high-performance workshops for both businesses and sports organisations.
Using the performance experience and knowledge of its clients, Sigmoid Sports will also consult, deliver and support the development of high performing units across the business, sport and educational sectors.
For more information, check out Sigmoid Sport’s website www.sigmoidsports.com or follow them on Instagram @sigmoidsports