Golf Ireland breaks radio silence: "We understand the frustration..."

Golf Ireland CEO Mark Kennelly.
Golf Ireland CEO Mark Kennelly today communicated with affiliated clubs to provide an update on the recent activity of Golf Ireland and plans for 2021.
With the first Golf Ireland National AGM set for Saturday, when the new board will be ratified, Kennelly updated clubs on the delayed schedule and the state of play regarding the closure of clubs due to COVID-19, insisting Golf Ireland was lobbying hard for their re-opening.
“We understand the frustration and the difficult situation that many clubs are currently in with the courses remaining closed,” he wrote. “I want to assure you all that we are engaging intensively with the relevant government departments and agencies in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland to highlight the safety and health benefits of golf. All of you did a great job last year in keeping golf safe at club level.
“That strong track record is really standing to us now as we make the case for golf to be one of the first sports to restart as soon as the public health situation allows. Last month, Golf Ireland made a detailed written submission to the Irish Government on how golf can be safely resumed under the various levels of its Living with Covid Plan and a similar submission was made to the Northern Ireland Executive. We will continue to work closely with the public authorities to ensure that our sport is up and running again as soon as possible.”
As for Golf Ireland’s Championship season, he confirmed the worst kept secret in Irish golf that there would be no tournament play until the end of May “subject to public health restrictions”.
Online entries for Championships will open on the week ending Friday 19 March.
“Despite the later-than-usual start, it remains Golf Ireland’s firm intention to run a comprehensive schedule,” he added. “The full schedule will be published at the end of February. Golf Ireland’s Tournament Regulations are also being updated to take account of the evolving public health circumstances and will be published along with the fixture list shortly.”
As for Inter-Cub golf, more than 370 clubs have entered 2021 competitions with Regions set to conduct the draws later this week and published them in the week ending Friday 19 March with the deadline for completion of first-round matches in most events to be set no earlier than mid-May, public health restrictions allowing.
With regard to the four All-Ireland inter-club competitions that were suspended in 2020 at the semi-final stage due to public health restrictions, it remains Golf Ireland’s intention to conclude these before the clubs involved commence their participation in this year’s matches.