Slip! Slap! Swing! — Don't forget the sun cream

Ronan Mullarney (Galway) driving at the 17th tee in the opening round of the AIG 2019 Irish Amateur Close Championship at Ballybunion Golf Club (03/08/2019). Picture by Pat Cashman
The Slip! Slap! Swing! sun protection campaign for golf launched last year and returns this summer with a new challenge - to get 500 golf clubs in the UK and Ireland ‘Sun Protection Accredited’ in 2020.
The Melanoma Fund – the charity behind the campaign – wants to transform sun protection in golf to tackle the rapid rise of melanoma and other forms of skin cancer within the sport.
Rates of melanoma - the most dangerous form of skin cancer - have more than doubled in the UK in the last 30 years, with incidence in women having doubled (100 per cent increase) and for men nearly tripled (181 per cent). It is one of our fastest rising cancers, and global cases will reach nearly half a million (466,914) by 2040, an increase of 62 per cent on 2018 figures.
Getting involved
Skin cancer is however preventable, and by becoming Sun Protection Accredited, clubs can help members and all staff improve their sun protection habits and knowledge. Supported with free resources and up-to-date advice, involvement is quick, easy and achieved by pledging five actions:
Nominate a Sun Pro Ambassador; promoting the campaign to members/staff.
Add a sun protection statement to Terms & Conditions of play/Health & Safety policy.
Display awareness posters and promote the campaign internally, and externally on socials.
Ensure sunscreen is available in the club, either for sale or for complimentary use.
Display the Sun Protection Accreditation logo – both digitally and in the club
Golfers affected by all types of skin cancer have come forward to tell their stories, encouraging others to understand the reality of skin cancer and how it can affect anyone. They have also worked with the campaign’s ambassador, PGA Professional Jamie Cundy, to produce a number of short videos which will launch throughout June on social media.
Michelle Baker, CEO of the Melanoma Fund, commented: “Small, measurable actions by many, help create big impact, so if we can reach 500 golf clubs, we will help wake golf up to the issue, and achieve a massive strike against skin cancer this year.
"To help smooth the fairway to success, all participating clubs will receive free sunscreen and support in promoting their work, to help keep them motivated and sun savvy throughout the summer."
The Slip! Slap! Swing! campaign is supported by: British Golf Industry Association (BGIA), The British and International Golf Greenkeeping Association (BIGGA), Confederation of Golf in Ireland (CGI), England Golf, Golf Club Managers Association (GMCA), Golf Ireland, The R&A, The PGA, The Golf Society of Great Britain, Scottish Golf, UK Golf Federation and Wales Golf.
For further information visit the Melanoma Fund’s Slip! Slap! Swing! campaign at #SlipSlapSwing20