Return responsibly or risk new crackdown say golf bodies

Golf reopens with restrictions on May 18. Golf bodies have published a detailed guide for returning safely
Irish golf's governing bodies last night pleaded with golfers to return responsibly to the course or risk another lockdown as clubs tentatively re-open on May 18.
While there are no instructions yet for Northern Ireland clubs as they wait for the UK Government and the NI Executive to confirm arrangements, the GUI and ILGU published their protocol for a safe return in the Republic of Ireland with clubs set to function at no more than 55% capacity in Phase 1 with the maximum group size limited to threeballs until June 8.
Protocol for Republic of Ireland
“As one of the first sports to be allowed to resume, there is a major responsibility on golf clubs and golfers to ensure that our sport is conducted in a safe and responsible manner," the Unions said in a statement. "Full adherence to the provisions of this Protocol is absolutely essential.
Minimum required restrictions during the Phase 1 of golf’s return (May 18-June 7)
Group sizes and tee-time intervals - Either: 3-balls at 14-minute intervals, or 2-balls at 12-minute intervals or Individual players at 10-minute intervals
Booking - In advance, online or by telephone
Type of Play - Casual golf only (no competitions)
Who may play? - Members only, (under 18’s must play with an adult)
Clubhouse - Closed except for pro-shop (for check-in only), toilet facilities and locker room (for retrieval of golf equipment)
”It should be noted that the Government continues to monitor the situation closely and have not ruled out the reintroduction of restrictions which could see golf clubs closed once again if the Protocol is not followed."
The protocol is set out in five phases and while many of the safety measures are not unexpected, there are no exceptions to the Government’s mandatory 5km distance limit for exercising, which must be observed until the start of Phase 2 (20 km) on June 8.
The Unions warn clubs that demand for tee times is likely to be high and that members should not only be prepared for limited playing opportunities but they should also temper their expectations after eight weeks of minimal course maintenance.
They advise clubs that they may have to consider limiting members to three rounds per week or restricting golf to nine holes only to allow all members a fair chance to play..
As expected, physical distancing rules are to be observed at all times with play restricted to members only for casual golf, meaning there will be no competitions or opens allowed.
Tee-times must be booked in advance online or over the phone and clubs must ensure that players names are recorded on timesheets, which must be kept for a period of at least six weeks to assist with contact tracing, if necessary.
During Phase 1, daily timesheets are restricted to a minimum of 10-minute (singles), 12-minute (twoballs) or 14-minute intervals (threeeballs), which means that a maximum of 60 golfers will occupy an 18-hole course at any given time (55% capacity).
Bars and restaurants are to remain closed and off-limits as per government policy and clubhouse access confined to use of toilet facilities (provided they can be kept clean) and initial retrieval of golf equipment from lockers.
Social gatherings, of any size, are prohibited and members are instructed not to touch the flag or flagstick while rakes are to be removed.
Hire trolleys must be sanitised prior to each use and caddies are not permitted unless from the same household.
Signage should be erected to reinforce physical distancing rules, cups (holes) should be altered to facilitate easy retrieval of golf ball; hand sanitisers made available and all toilets cleaned regularly.
Ball washers, bins, sand bags, benches, divot boxes and non-essential furniture should be taken in off the course or covered up and holes filled in or covered on practice putting greens with golfers encouraged to putt to a tee-peg instead.
The Unions also recommend that all clubs have a policy of allowing juniors to play only if they are accompanied by an adult.
Golfers are advised to arrive at the club no more than 15 minutes prior to play and to travel with members of their own household only.
They should park in such a way as to facilitate physical distancing, change in the car park, warm-up alone and arrive at the first tee more than five minutes before their allotted tee time.
The protocol is identical for Phase 2 (June 8), when golfers will be allowed to travel 20km for exercise.
Members of the same household should play together, rather than split into mixed groups and return directly to their cars with all their equipment before leaving.
Fourballs will permitted from Phase 3 (June 29) with intervals between all groups gradually reduced in Phases 4 (July 20) and 5 (August 10) to allow greater capacity.