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Fernández Castaño attacks Spanish PM during Vivendi Trophy

Never mind Monty on Poulter. Spanish golfer Gonzalo Fernandez Castaño sent the Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero a pointed political message during the opening day of the Vivendi Trophy in Paris. 

He didn't do it before or after play either but slam bang in the middle of his fourball victory with partner Miguel Angel Jimenez over England's Ross Fisher and Nick Dougherty.

Turning to a TV camera, he peeled a banana and with the Mechanic looking on, he said: "Message to Zapatero. You're going to strip us all naked." ( "Un mensaje para Zapatero: nos vas a dejar en pelotas a todos.")

A veiled reference to the proposed tax hikes in Spain's next budget perhaps? Or a reference to the fact that Zapatero took his two daughters to New York recently for the Climate Change conference?

Fernández Castaño has a degree in business administration from the Universidad de San Pablo CEU in Madrid.

According to the university's website:

CEU, (Centro de Estudios Universitarios) was created by Asociación Católica de Propagandistas founded by P. Ángel Ayala, in 1908. Its co-founder and first president was Ángel Herrera Oria, Bishop and cardinal of the Catholic Church.

For more on the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas, see this piece from The New York Review of Books, first published in 1975.

His remarks made most of the major news outlets in Spain, including the giant sports daily Marca.