supported by The McGinley Foundation

Irish PGA 2010

Seapoint Golf Links (Par 72)

Sponsored by Ladbrokes.com €30,000


277 David Mortimer (Foreireland.com) 70 70 69 68 (€3500).

278 Damien McGrane (Unattached) 71 70 69 68 (€2400).

281 John Kelly (St Margarets) 73 73 67 68 (€1900).

282Neil Manchip (Gui National Academy) 67 72 73 70, Damian Mooney (Unattached) 66 73 71 72 (€1575 each).

283 Barrie Trainor (Team Ireland) 70 71 72 70 (€1350).

284 Eamonn Brady (Clontarf ) 71 75 67 71 (€1225).

285 Glen Robinson (St Helens Bay) 72 72 72 69 (€1000).

286 Mark O’Sullivan (Ashbourne) 70 76 69 71 (€900)

287 Darren McWilliams (Unattached) 71 75 68 73 (€850).

288 David Higgins (Waterville) 71 71 76 70, Brian McElhinney (Team Ireland) 69 76 69 74..

289 Michael Allen (Pure Golf at Leopardstown) 74 75 70 70,

290 Des Smyth (Unattached) 69 75 71 75, Seamus Clinton (Portsalon) 72 73 68 77.

291 Seamus McMonagle (Edmondstown) 71 80 71 69, G Dunlea (Adare Manor) 71 74 72 74, R Giles (Greenore) 71 74 72 74, S Lowry (Esker Hills) 70 72 74 75, M Staunton (Foreireland.com) 72 73 71 75, .

293 J Quinlivan (Unatt) 75 70 73 75, M McDermott (Pure Golf Leopardstown) 71 77 69 76.

294 D Ryan (Cahir Park) 73 74 76 71, J Dwyer (Ashbourne) 75 72 70 77,

295 J Dignam (Slade Valley) 73 75 73 74

296 C McNamara (Limerick) 71 78 75 72, J Bolger (Kilkenny) 72 70 75 79.

297 M Collins (Foreireland.com) 78 73 68 78

298 L Walker (Dundalk) 74 77 76 71, P Jones (Coolattin) 76 75 73 74, L Bowler (Wexford) 74 75 74 75, E McLoughlin (Wicklow) 70 79 74 75.

299 E Logue (Hilton Templepatrick) 76 75 75 73,

300 P Devine (R Dublin) 70 76 79 75, C Mallon (Nairn and Portnoo) 72 75 76 77, J Murray (Hollystown) 78 69 72 81.

301 B McGovern (Headfort) 71 78 78 74, T Higgins (Foreireland.com) 78 73 76 74, M Mulryan (Athenry) 72 77 75 77.

302 M O’Shea (Callan) 76 73 78 75,

303 P Hanna (Lurgan) 74 76 75 78, P Martin (Riverside GA), 76 75 73 79.

304 C Moriarty (Donaghadee) 75 73 78 78, R Creamer (Tuam) 71 74 79 80, 
P Walton (Foreireland.com) 73 77 74 80, M Twitchett (Hilton Templepatrick) 76 75 73 80.

305 K Fahey (GUI National Academy) 71 78 78 78, K Dorrian (Scrabo) 75 76 76 78,

306 P Stevenson (Portadown) 76 72 77 81.

307 N Howley (Balbriggan) 74 74 77 82.

308 M Flanagan (Mt Temple) 76 74 78 80,

312 D Walker (Foxrock) 74 77 81 80.


After 54 holes:

209 D Mortimer (Fore Ireland) 70, 70, 69;

210 D McGrane (Unatt) 71, 70, 69; D Mooney (Unatt) 66, 73, 71;

212 N Manchip (GUI National Academy) 67, 72, 73;

213 E Brady (Clontarf) 71, 75, 67; J Kelly (St Margaret’s) 73, 73, 67; S Clinton (Portsalon) 72, 73, 68; B Trainor (Team Ireland) 70, 71, 72;

214 D McWilliams (Unatt) 71, 75, 68; B McElhinney (Team Ireland) 69, 76, 69;

215 D Smyth (Unatt) 69, 75, 71; M O’Sullivan (Ashbourne) 70, 76, 69;

216 G Robinson (St Helen’s Bay) 72, 72, 72; S Lowry (Esker Hills) 70, 72, 74;

217 M McDermott (Pure Golf Leopardstown) 71, 77, 69; J Dwyer (Ashbourne) 75, 72, 70; R Giles (Greenore) 71, 74, 72; G Dunlea (Adare Manor) 71, 74, 72; J Bolger (Kilkenny) 72, 70, 75;

218 J Quinlivan (Unatt) 75, 70, 73; D Higgins (Waterville) 71, 71, 76;

219 M Collins (Fore Ireland) 78, 73, 68; M Allan (Pure Golf Leopardstown) 74, 75, 70; Joe Murray (Hollystown) 78, 69, 72;

221 J Dignam (Slade Valley) 73, 75, 73;

222 S McMonagle (Edmonstown) 71, 80, 71;

223 L Bowler (Wexford) 74, 75, 74; E McLoughlin (Wicklow) 70, 79, 74; C Mallon (Narin & Portnoo) 72, 75, 76; D Ryan (Cahir Pk) 73, 74, 76;

224 M Twitchett (Hilton) 76, 75, 73; P Martin (Riverside Academy) 76, 75, 73; P Jones (Coollattin) 76, 75, 73; P Walton (Fore Ireland) 73, 77, 74; M Mulryan (Athenry) 72, 77, 75; C McNamara (Limerick) 71, 78, 75; R Creamer (Tuam) 71, 74, 79;

225 P Hanna (Lurgan) 74, 76, 75; N Howley (Balbriggan) 74, 74, 77; P Stevenson (Portadown) 76, 72, 77; P Devine (Royal Dublin) 70, 76, 79;

226 E Logue (Hilton) 76, 75, 75; C Moriarty (Donaghadee) 75, 73, 78;

227 L Walker (Dundalk) 74, 77, 76; T Higgins (Fore Ireland) 78, 73, 76; K Dorrian (Scrabo) 75, 76, 76; B McGovern (Headfort) 71, 78, 78; M O’Shea (Callan) 76, 73, 78; K Fahey (GUI National Academy) 71, 78, 78;

228 M Flanagan (Mt Temple) 76, 74, 78;

232 D Walker (Foxrock) 74, 77, 81.


After 36 holes

139 D Mooney (Unatt) 66, 73; N Manchip (GUI National Academy) 67, 72.

140 D Mortimer (Fore Ireland) 70, 70.

141 B Trainor (Team Ireland) 70, 71; D McGrane (Unattached) 71, 70.

142 D Higgins (Waterville) 71 71,  J Bolger (Kilkenny) 72, 70,  S Lowry (Esker Hills) 70, 72

144 G Robinson (St Helens Bay) 72 72,  D Smyth (Unattached) 69 75,  

145 G Dunlea (Adare Manor) 71 74,  J Quinlivan (Unattached) 75 70,  S Clinton (Portsalon) 72 73,  B McElhinney (Team Ireland) 69 76,  R Giles (Greenore) 71, 74,  M Staunton (Fore Ireland) 72, 73.

146 M O’Sullivan (Ashbourne) 70 76,  R Creamer (Tuam) 71 75. J Kelly (St Margaret’s) 73, 73,  E Brady (Clontarf) 71, 75,  D McWilliams (Unatt) 71, 75,  P Devine (Royal Dublin) 70,  76

147 J Murray (Hollystown) 78 69,  J Dwyer (Ashbourne) 75 72,  D Ryan (Cahir Park) 73 74. C Mallon (Narin & Portnoo) 72, 75

148 M McDermott (Leopardstown) 71 77,   C Moriarty (Donaghadee) 75 73,  P Stevenson (Portadown) 76 72,   N Howley (Balbriggan) 74 74,  J Dignam (Slade Valley) 73 75,  

149 K Fahey (GUI Nat Academy) 71 78,  M O’Shea (Callan) 76 73,  B McGovern (Headfort) 71 78,  L Bowler (Wexford) 74 75,  C McNamara (Limerick) 71 78, M Allan (Pure Golf at Leopardstown) 74 75,  E McLoughlin (Wicklow) 70 79,  M Mulryan (Athenry) 72 77,  

150 M Flanagan (Mt Temple) 76 74,  P Hanna (Lurgan) 74 76,  P Walton (Fore Ireland) 73, 77

151 Kevin Dorrian (Scrabo) 75 76,  D Walker (Foxrock) 74 77,  T Higgins (Fore Ireland) 78 73,  S McMonagle (Edmonstown) 71 80,  P Jones (Coollattin) 76 75, P Martin (Riverside) 76 75,  M Collins (Fore Ireland) 78, 73,  E Logue (Hilton) 76, 75,  M Twitchett (Hilton) 76, 75. L Walker (Dundalk) 74, 77


152 G Cullen (Beaverstown) 70 82,  D Gleeson (Old Conna) 75 77,   C Carroll (Bray) 73 79,  G Loughrey (Roganstown) 76 76,  

153 L Harrington (Limerick) 74,  79. G Lunny (Naas) 75 78,  J Murray (Malahide) 76 77,  J Glynn (Dun Laoghaire) 75 78,  D Mc Namara (Portmarnock) 74 79, P Geraghty (Unattached) 74 79,  B Kerley (Greenlife) 74 79,  JP Dolan (Dunfanaghy) 75, 78

154 W O’Callaghan (www.wayneocallaghangolf.com) 76 78,  D Bell (Kellys Golf Centre),  73 81,  B Cosgrove (Athy DR) 82 72,   C Jelly (Dungannon) 76 78,  P Dooley (Cork) 77 77. J Gibson (Killymoon) 74, 80

155 G Wardlow (Edenderry Golf Academy) 75 80,  L Boyd (Donaghadee) 78 77,  R Doran (R Co Down) 73 82,  R Whitford (Knock) 77 78,  

156 P Collins (Galgorm Castle) 79 77,  O Grogan (Unattached) 79 77,  G Byrne (Nuremore) 76, 80,  St Fitzpatrick (Enniscorthy) 81, 75,  R Donagher (Ardee) 77, 79

157 M Heinemann (Skellig Bay) 75 82,   P McGuirk (Co Louth) 77 80,  M McTernan (Co Sligo) 74 83,  

158 P Masterson (Coollattin) 77 81,  C Hughes (Unatt) 81 77,  P McCarroll (Massereene) 81 77,    E Martin (Beaverstown) 74 84,  

159 J Scullion (R Co Down) 78 81,  D Walsh (Wexford) 79 80,  R Dervin (Balbriggan) 73 86,  G Egan (Naas DR) 80 79,  PMcGrath (P&M Golf Superstore) 83 76,  D Carroll (Seapoint) 78, 81,  K Grealy (Athlone) 74, 85.

160 C Porter (East Cork) 76 84,  G Massey (PGA National) 78 82,  

161 M McGivern (Belvoir Pk) 78 83,  

162 BR Sherwood (Castlemartyr) 78 84,  P Hannan (Co Meath) 80 82,  W Noble (Co Cavan) 79 83,  

163 T Rice (Unattached) 84 79,   J Greenaway (Banbridge) 82, 81

164 S Galvin (Curragh) 77 87,  D McQuillan (Castlebar) 81 83,  D Mooney (Carr Golf Services) 80 84,  

165 P Hickey (Cork) 81 84,  

166 B Quigley (Carton House) 83, 83

167 G McShea (Edmonstown) 81, 86

168 B O’Boyle (Killarney) 84 84,

173 F Lacey (Newlands) 89 84,  

N/R P McClelland (Unatt) 76 NR,  P McCanny (Birr Golf shop) 84 NR,  S Wilson (R Tara) 84 NR. P Vaughan (Ardglass) 79 NR,  D Hayes (Dungarvan) 80,  NR.,  B McDermott (Castlecomer) 76, NR,  P McDonald (Westmanstown) 78, NR

RTD P McGonagle (Greenore) 79,  Retd. M Kavanagh (Stackstown) 82,  Retd.


First round

66 D Mooney (Unattached).

67 N Manchip (GUI National Academy)

69 B McElhinney (Team Ireland), D Smyth (Unattached).

70 M O’Sullivan (Ashbourne), E McLoughlin (Wicklow), S Lowry (Esker Hills), P Devine (Royal Dublin), B Trainor (Team Ireland), D Mortimer (Fore Ireland), G Cullen (Beaverstown)

71 C McNamara (Limerick), R Creamer (Tuam), E Brady (Clontarf), R Giles (Greenore), D McWilliams (Unattached), D McGrane (Unattached), G Dunlea (Adare Manor), M McDermott (Pure Golf Leopardstown), K Fahey (GUI National Academy), B McGovern (Headfort), D Higgins (Waterville).

72 S Clinton (Portsalon), M Mulryan (Athenry), J Bolger (Kilkenny), C Mallon (Narin & Portnoo), M Staunton (Fore Ireland), G Robinson (St Helen’s Bay).

73 R Devlin (Balbriggan), C Carroll (Bray), J Dignam (Slade Valley), D Ryan (Cahir Pk), P Walton (Fore Ireland), J Kelly (St Margaret’s), D Bell (Kelly’s Golf Centre), R Doran (Royal Co Down).

74 L Bowler (Wexford), M McTernan (Co Sligo), M Allan (Pure Golf Leopardstown), J Gibson (Killymoon), K Grealy (Athlone), L Walker (Dundalk), L Harrington (Limerick), D Walker (Foxrock), E Martin (Beaverstown), D McNamara (Portmarncok), P Geraghty (Unattached), B Kerley (Greenlife), P Hanna (Lurgan), N Howley (Balbriggan).

75 JP Dolan (Dunfanaghy), K Dorrian (Scrabo), G Wardlow (Edenderry), G Lunny (Naas), D Gleeson (Old Conna), C Moriarty (Donaghadee), J Quinlivan (Unattached), M Heinemann (Skellig Bay), J Glynn (Dun Laoghaire), J Dwyer (Ashbourne).

76 G Loughrey (Roganstown), C Jelly (Dungannon), G Byrne (Nuremore), P Martin (Riverside Academy), M Twitchett (Hilton), B McDermott (Castlecomer), E Logue (Hilton), P McClelland (Unattached), W O’Callaghan (www.wayneocallaghangolf.com), C Porter (East Cork), J Murray (Malahide), P Stevenson (Portadown), P Jones (Coollattin), M O’Shea (Callan), M Flanagan (Mt Temple).

77 P Dooley (Cork), R Danagher (Ardee), S Galvin (The Curragh), P Masterson (Coollattin), P McGuirk (Co Louth), R Whitford (Knock).

78 M McGivern (Belvoir Pk), G Massey (PGA National), D Carroll (Seapoint), M Collins (Fore Ireland), P McDonald (Westmanstown), L Boyud (Donaghadee), J Scullion (Royal Co Down), L Boyd (Donaghadee), Joe Murray (Hollystown), T Higgins (Fore Ireland), BR Sherwood (Castlemartyr).

79 P McGonagle (Greenore), W Noble (Co Cavan), O Groggan (Unattached), D Walsh (Wexford), P Vaughan (Ardglass), P Collins (Galgorm Castle).

80 G Egan (Naas DR), D Hayes (Dungarvan), David Mooney (Carr Golf Services), P Hannan (Co Meath).

81 G McShea (Edmonstown), S Fitzpatrick (Enniscorthy), P Hickey (Cork), D Hughes (Unattached), P McCarroll (Massereene), D McQuillan (Castlebar).

82 B Cosgrove (Athy DR), M Kavanagh (Stackstown), J Greenaway (Banbridge).

83 P McGrath (P&M Superstore), B Quigley (Carton House).

84 T Rice (Unattached), B O’Boyle (Killarney), P McCanny (Birr Golf Shop & DR), S Wilson (Royal Tara).

89 F Lacey (Newlands).

Rtd R McCormick (Holywood), L Hynes (Ballinstoe).