Irish Golf Desk

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GUI approves distance-measuring devices for all competitions including championships

In a move that’s sure to spark debate in golf clubs all around Ireland about the integrity of the game, the Annual General Meeting of the Golfing Union of Ireland has approved the use of distance-measuring devices for all competitions including its championships.

Those in favour will argue that it will speed up play and lead to more enjoyment of the game. Those against will say that it will simply add to the cost of playing an already expensive game. If your opposition is using a range-finder, you may feel obliged to buy one too instead of relying on an old-fashioned strokesaver.

Those who are rubbing their hands with glee and planning to head out to the shops today should know that a fancy gadget with all the bells and whistles may be illegal. The GUI has stipulated that you can only use a device that measures distance and not wind, gradient or any other factor that might help you choose your club.

“A player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. If during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g. gradient, wind speed, temperature etc.) the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any such additional function is actually used.”

On a sad note, the GUI has also announced the death of Desmond Rea O’Kelly, a Past President and Hon. Secretary of the Union.

Honoured with the office of President for the GUI’s centenary in 1991, he served for 17 years as an officer of the Union, having also held the post of Honorary Secretary from 1975 – 1989.

Prior to his year as President of the GUI, Des Rea devoted 33 years to golf administration for his club (Howth), the Leinster Branch of the GUI and for Central Council. Following his Presidency, he continued to be actively involved in aspects of Union life and attended Annual General Meetings until 2010.

A highly successful architect, his best known work included a landmark building on the quays in Dublin, Liberty Hall.

He is predeceased by his beloved wife Brenda, who passed away in the mid 1990’s.

Reposing at The Kirwan Funeral Home, Fairview Strand. Requiem Mass on Monday 21st February at 11.30am in The Church of The Assumption, Howth. Funeral thereafter to Glasnevin Cemetery.

Union Officers, Committees & Representatives 2011

Union Officers
President E. Fayne
President-Elect F. Buckley
Hon. Secretary A. Lee
Hon. Treasurer R.R. McClure

Executive Committee
E. Fayne (President), F. Buckley (President-Elect), A. Lee (Hon. Secretary), R. McClure (Hon. Treasurer), M. Connaughton (Chairman, Connacht Branch), K. McIntyre (Chairman, Leinster Branch), M. Cashman (Chairman, Munster Branch), I. McCandless (Chairman, Ulster Branch), J. McGovern (Hon. Secretary, Connacht Branch), J. Ferriter (Hon. Secretary, Leinster Branch), J. Moloughney (Hon. Secretary, Munster Branch), E. O’Connor (Hon. Secretary, Ulster Branch), S. MacMahon (Immediate Past President).

Finance Committee
President, Union Officers, Trustees, R. Canavan, (Connacht), J. McNamara (Leinster), L.Martin (Munster), P. Sinclair (Ulster).

C.O.N.G.U. Representatives N Bennett, J. McGovern
S.T.R.I. Representative E. O’Connor
E.G.A. Representative M. Cashman
Junior Golf Ireland Representatives J. Duggan, P. English

Irish Senior & Youths Team Captain K. Flanagan
Boys Captain L. Martin
Seniors Captain B. Doyle

Junior Golf Committee
D. Murphy (Convenor), Union Officers, Junior Selection Committee, R. Cusack, J. Duggan, A Gibson, S. O’Leary.

Championship Committee
General Secretary (Convenor), J. Mooney (Connacht), N. McLoughlin (Connacht), M. Butler (Connacht), J. Long (Leinster), J. McNamara (Leinster), C. Maguire (Leinster), T. Donnelly (Munster), L. Harkin (Munster), B. Lynch (Munster), J. Boyd (Ulster), B. Hutchinson (Ulster), I. Smyth (Ulster).

S.S.S. & Handicapping Committee
N. Bennett (Convenor), Union Officers, CONGU Reps, N. McLoughlin (Connacht), J. Mooney (Connacht), J. Clancy (Leinster), J. Ferriter (Leinster), M. Lawlor (Munster), T. Donnelly (Munster), T. Jones, D. McNeill (Ulster).

Venues & Fixtures Committee
J. White (Convenor), Union Officers, J. O’Donoghue (Connacht), E. Lonergan (Connacht), J. McNamara (Leinster), T. Thompson (Leinster), M. Cashman (Munster), K. Walsh (Munster), D. Montague (Ulster), K. Stevens (Ulster).

Rules of Golf / Amateur Status Committee
M. Lawlor (Convenor), Union Officers, J. Mooney (Connacht), C. Madigan (Leinster), T. Donnelly (Munster), D. Irwin (Ulster).

Irish Senior & Youths Selection Committee
K. Flanagan (Convenor/Team Captain), J. Carroll, P. Hogan, K. Kearney, J. White.

Irish Junior Selection Committee
L. Martin (Convenor/Team Captain), C. McConn, A. Marsden, M.J. Murphy, R. Archibald.

Irish Seniors’ Selection Committee
B. Doyle (Convenor/Team Captain), T. Basquille, T. Goode, R. McClure, J Moloughney.

Greenkeeper & Ecology Committee
P. O’Dwyer (Convenor), Union Officers, N. McLoughlin (Connacht), B. Dunne (Leinster), M.P. Murphy (Munster), E. O’Connor (Ulster).

Constitution Committee
F.W. Perry (Convenor), Union Officers, T. Basquille (Connacht), J. Ferriter (Leinster), J. Long (Munster), B. Mac M Ramsay (Ulster).

High Performance Committee
B. Doyle (Convenor), Union Officers, General Secretary, Irish Senior & Youths Team Captain, Irish Boys Captain, Convenor Junior Golf, S. Fitzgerald (Connacht), J. Long (Leinster), J. Moloughney (Munster), B. Edwards (Ulster).

Honorary Delegates
S. Smith, C. Gannon, C. Madigan, M. Burns, T. Jones.

F.W. Perry (Connacht), W. Skelton (Leinster), J.V. Lynch (Munster), R. Bell (Ulster).

Auditor W.J. Miscampbell

GUI AGM 2011 - Motions